M.O.C. Mint Shimmer Stylophora Frag


Scientific name: Stylophora sp.
Colour Form: Metallic Green
Approx. Size: 25-30 mm

Care Level: Moderate
Lighting: High
Waterflow: High
Water Conditions: 24-27 °C, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025, Calc 400-450

4 in stock

SKU: M.O.C. Mint Shimmer Stylophora Frag Category:


An amazing cluster sps coral frag with stunning mint green polyps, these frags will grow in a beautiful cluster formation and will have superb dark green colouration over the tips of the branches once settled  , the colour will darken if subjected to stronger lighting this particular colour morph is not that readily available, branches are short, thick and rounded and will make an absolutely stunning addition to your reef. Frags will be approx 30mm and have numerous growth tips, these will grow quickly given the correct conditions



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Weight1 g