M.O.C Poseidon’s Flare Zoanthid 10+ Polyps


Scientific name: Zoanthid sp.
Colour Form:  Blue / Orange / Silver
Approx. Size: 10+ polyps
Care Level: Easy
Lighting: Medium
Waterflow: Moderate – High
Water Conditions: 24-27 °C, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025, Calc 400-450

1 in stock

SKU: M.O.C Poseidon's Flare Zoanthid 10+ Polyps Categories: ,


A beautiful coloured zoanthid frag with bright orange centres with a blue outer rim and silver and blue lashes. All frags will will have 10+ polyps and will be from the exact colony pictured. These will spread rapidly and in a carpet like formation over your rockwork giving a beautiful and colourful effect. A great soft coral for the beginner and expert alike. They are very easy to care for and need no special care other than good water parameters.




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